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Axberg Vodka wird in ein Glas eingeschenkt


Hans Reisetbauer has stood for the best spirits and top quality for over 20 years. He lives this attitude, from his fine spirits, to whisky and gin, to his answer to the world's premium vodkas -


Axberg Mule


Put all ingredients together with ice cubes in a mule mug, stir well & garnish with a slice of cucumber, lime or mint.

4 cl Axberg Vodka

Premium ginger beer

fresh juice of 1/2 lime

Axberg Vesper Martini


Stir all ingredients with ice cubes in a mixing glass, then strain into a glass & garnish with a lemon zest.

3 cl Axberg Vodka

5 cl Blue Gin

1 cl Vermouth dry

Axberg White Russian


First whip the whipped cream until foamy, then put the vodka, coffee liqueur & ice cubes in a mixing glass, stir, strain into a glass & top with the whipped cream.

5 cl Axberg Vodka

2.5 cl coffee liqueur

2.5 cl whipped cream

Axberg Cosmopolitan


Shake all ingredients in the shaker, together with ice, vigorously, strain into a glass & garnish with an orange zest.

4 cl Axberg Vodka

1.5 cl Cointreau

1.5 cl fresh lime juice

2 cl cranberry juice


Axberg is home. More precisely, the home of Hans Reisetbauer's distillery, because the village in the Upper Austrian municipality of Kirchberg-Thening is called Axberg. The name is obvious, since the starting raw material comes from Axberg's own organic


The raw material for our AXBERG VODKA is the robust wheat variety "Mulan". It grows in its own fields in Upper Austria and is harvested gently. Particularly important attributes of this variety are: clean length, fruit sweetness and no sugar. Therefore, exactly this variety is ideally suited for the new AXBERG VODKA.


According to the pot still method, distillation is carried out in copper pot stills until the perfect result is achieved. This result is very pure and crystal clear vodka, which, in addition to these properties, allows a very fine taste.


By means of frost and sterilization filters, undesirable turbidity and taste substances are filtered out to meet our high standards.


The design of the AXBERG VODKA bottle comes from Reisetbauer and was awarded the prestigious UK Packaging Award in 2017!


Reisetbauer Logo
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Zum Kirchdorfergut 1
4062 Kirchberg-Thening

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0043 7221 63690

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Supported by the EU, the federal government and the state; Expansion of the warehouse and
Burning capacities and automation of the burner system

European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Here Europe invests in rural areas.

Land Oberösterreich
EU Flagge

UID - Nummer

FN 316809x

Offizieller JRE-Partner
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